Mark Naidorf
MA 01040 (413)536-8888
Goal oriented, self motivated, resourceful leader, with two Masters Degrees, Masters of Business Administration and a Masters of Science in Information Systems. Proven experience in business, government, and education. Unique capabilities include creativity, analytical skills, diverse experience with a consistent record of increased performance. Exceptional abilities in new business development, personal computer training, and overseeing budgets both public and private.
Educational Background
in Business Administration,
Masters of Science in
Information Systems,
Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration,
Northeastern University,
of Science in Business Administration,
Grahm Jr. College,
Educational Experience
Assistant Professor in the Business and Economics Department.
Teaching at Westfield State College from 1985 to
Courses Taught:
MGMT 0101 Introduction to Business
MGMT 0104 Accounting I
MGMT 0107 Software Applications
MGMT 0220 Prod/Operations Management
MGMT 0221 Business Management
MGMT 0231 Marketing Management
MGMT 0306 Distribution Management
MGMT 0307 Marketing Research Techniques
MGMT 0308 Organizational Development & Behavior.
MGMT 0309 Sales &Sales Management
MGMT 0321 Management Information Systems
MGMT 0325 Business Policy &Strategy
Created and implemented a successful and profitable
new course “Real Estate for Profit” for
Attended an Adobe seminar on the use of Adobe
Illustrator, Streamline and PageMaker.
Attended a Wordperfect
seminar on the benefits and use of Wordperfect.
Used and evaluated new software that permits
assessment of student knowledge before taking class and then after class. September
2004 – 2005.
Attended Prentice Hall seminar on the use of
Attended Microsoft Seminar in fall 2002 on Windows XP
Attended McGraw Hill Seminar in October 2002 on Office
Attended two seminars on Office XP sponsored by
Attended Course Technology
seminar on SAM Student Assessment Manager for Microsoft Office 2003
Designed and wrote and computerized access
database program for the mail room and copy center at Westfield State College.
This program simplifies and automates the monthly process of billing or
charging back each department on campus for the supplies and other costs
involved with the copies each department generates. A monthly chargeback forms
for each department is created along with summary reports to help improve the
management and cost controls in the copy center.
Regularly teach Introduction to
Microsoft’s Database “Access” to faculty and staff of Westfield State College.
Regularly teach an advanced class in
Microsoft’s Database “Access” to faculty and staff of Westfield State College.
Regularly teach Microsoft’s Office “Mail
Merge” using Word, Excel, and Access to faculty and staff of Westfield State
Designed and wrote and
computerized Access database program for DGCE to connect Banner records to an
Access Database that every semester updates the DGCE teachers contracts,
prepares many of the DGCE reporting requirements to the Administration saving
days of data collection, preparation and printing reports.
Attended Prentice Hall
seminar on the use of Windows Vista Operating System and Office 2007
Attended Prentice Hall
seminar on Migrating to Office 2007
Attended Course Technology
Conference 2008.
Attended Course Technology
Conference 2009
Attended Course Technology
Conference 2010
Worked with course Technology
in the design of SAM 2010’s operation.
Professional Experience
Cherry Realty 1979-Present
Rehabilitate, and Manage Multi-Family Housing. Manage Approximately 1.08
Million Dollars in Real Estate since 1979. As President I oversee all
operations. Properties are both
residential and commercial. I advertise evaluate and screen and place tenants,
Collect rents and manage repairs and maintenance. Arrange financing and
financial structures.
Cherry Computers 1990-1991
Cherry Computers Inc. In partnership, started a retail personal computer hardware company. Start-up to one half million dollars in sales growth in two years.
E. Stimpson Co. Inc. 1980 to1981
to Re-Organize the Office Products Industry in New England. I joined a group of
entrepreneurs as Sales Manager of Franchise Sales, We tried to combine a
majority of the retailers in
Pitney Bowes Inc. ,
Sales of the full line of office equipment. Specialty in small business computerized automated mailing systems equipment. Acquired membership in Boston branch sales leadership club. Increased sales volume by 111% in 2 years. Became number one in systems equipment. Given responsibility for forecasting and training. Achieved membership in branch sales leadership club.
NCR Corporation Dayton MI. 1974
Sales of full line of commercial computers. Worked as a hardware
salesman, Sold full line to commercial and industrial applications.
Monroe Division.
Sales of full line of calculators and office billing systems. Sales position:
turned lowest producing territory to top area in 1.5 years. Became number one
producer in 12 months. Given responsibility for evaluating trainees and making
preliminary hiring decisions. Introduced new products and led training sessions
on systems equipment.
Holyoke Water Works Elected
Commissioner 1991 with purpose of restoring proper operations to the
department. Presently Vice Chairman. Maintained zero growth budget for 20 years
with five major improvement programs completed. Renegotiate Civil Service
contracts with the union. Replaced mainframe computer system with a PC based system.
Restored confidence in the department, received approval of nineteen million
dollar bond and have overseen the expenditure for improvements.
Interests - personal
Vintage Triumph Register Founder of the New England Triumphs chapter of the VTR. restore and rebuild vintage Triumphs. Former factory trained mechanic.
Contact Information
(413) 536-8888